Roast Beef

When it comes to beef, Thumann’s succulent line of roast beef is unrivaled. Thumann’s choice beef is trimmed extremely lean and cooked to perfection. The mouth watering Ripple Beef is cooked with just a hint of garlic and trimmed perfectly so that there are virtually no ends or waste. Don’t forget to try Thumann’s pot roast brisket. It is an entire meal in itself. It’s ready to heat and serve. Thumann’s roast beef items are available in whole or half pieces to satisfy any need.

Nutritional Certification Key

Certified Gluten-Free – The Gluten Intolerance Group of North America, a non-profit organization who’s food processing inspection program verifies that food products meet the highest standards for Gluten-Free ingredients and safe processing environement.

Feingold ® Program – The Feingold Association of the United States certifies qualified foods for inclusion on their Feingold food list for persons on sensitive diets.

Heart Symbol – Meets the American Heart Association’s food criteria for saturated fat and cholesterol for hehy people over age 2.