
Thumann’s Boiled Hams are the premier items in any deli case. Famous for their legendary taste, Thumann’s hams are made from the best Canadian grain-fed pork and use only the finest cuts of meat.

This means no excess fat and no fillers.

The Thumann’s secret cooking process allows the ham to be made without the use of excess salt or sugar, no MSG or artificial coloring are ever used. Thumann’s boiled hams come in a variety of sizes to cater to every need. Thumann’s boiled hams are the healthiest choice of deli patrons everywhere.

Thumann’s bacon, sausage and brats cook up plump and juicy. Our 1 lb. bacon is of the highest, leanest quality and does not shrink in the pan. Our full line of mouth watering breakfast sausages are available in a variety of sizes, as are Thumann’s sausage patties. Get cooking with Thumann’s Bratwurst or our hot or sweet Italian Sausage. With the perfect blend of spices and the best cuts of meat, Thumann’s makes every meal perfect!

Put a great twist on the classic Thumann’s taste. Try our famous line of coated hams. The glazed Virginia style ham is available in pear shape, round ripple, or oblong and makes a tasteful statement at any catered occasion. If your looking to spice things up, try our Prosciuttini line featuring top quality hams with a coating of course ground black pepper. Other favorites include Thumann’s Roast Pork, Old Fashioned Roast Pork and Ripple Hot Ham. Thumann’s coated hams, it’s a matter of taste.

Nutritional Certification Key

Certified Gluten-Free – The Gluten Intolerance Group of North America, a non-profit organization who’s food processing inspection program verifies that food products meet the highest standards for Gluten-Free ingredients and safe processing environement.

Feingold ® Program – The Feingold Association of the United States certifies qualified foods for inclusion on their Feingold food list for persons on sensitive diets.

Heart Symbol – Meets the American Heart Association’s food criteria for saturated fat and cholesterol for healthy people over age 2.